Training Trees

As leaves fall in our orchard, the structure of tree branches starts to emerge from under its leafy coat. Soon the orchard will look like the picture above. We spend a lot of time in the winter, spring, and summer coaxing trees into their optimal form. Every tree is tied to a metal stake to … Read more

Spreading mulch

In the past two months I have been spreading bark mulch underneath the trees in our orchard as time permits.  The mulch suppresses weeds that would compete with our trees, it protects the soil from erosion, and it adds nutrients and organic matter to the soil as it decomposes.  We buy mulch every year from … Read more

Our Unusual Apple Varieties

Our list of apple varieties may contain names which are unfamiliar to you – Winecrisp, Goldrush, Liberty, Pristine, Williams Pride, and so on.  We don’t grow Honeycrisp, Gala, Golden Delicious, or other common supermarket apples.  Why did we choose these unusual varieties? Virtually all of the organic apples in the supermarket were grown in the … Read more