We do not have a retail storefront at our farm in Belmont.  Here’s where you can buy our fruit:

●  Madison area: Join our apple CSA, or shop at the Willy Street Co-op.  Order bulk #2 grade apples and receive a home delivery.
●  Platteville: Join our apple CSA, or shop at the Driftless Market.
●  Cross Plains, Mazomanie, Middleton, Muscoda, Richland Center, and Spring Green: Purchase an apple share from My Fine Homestead
●  Dubuque, La Crosse/Viroqua area: Purchase an apple share from Small Family CSA.
●  Belmont. Join our apple CSA and pick up apples at our farm.  Or pre-order to pick up bulk quantities of #2 apples at our farm.

We do not have a retail storefront at our farm in Belmont.  Here’s where you can buy our fruit:

●  Madison area: Join our apple CSA, or shop at the Willy Street Co-op. 
●  Platteville: Join our apple CSA, or shop at the Driftless Market.
●  Richland Center, Viroqua: Join our apple CSA.
●  Cross Plains, Mazomanie, Middleton, Muscoda, and Spring Green: Purchase an apple share from My Fine Homestead
●  Dubuque, La Crosse area: Purchase an apple share from Small Family CSA.
●  Belmont. Join our apple CSA and pick up apples at our farm. 

Two Onion Farm
Chris & Juli McGuire
19638 Cottage Inn Road
Belmont, WI 53510
(608) 762-5335 (office)
(608) 726-2550 (cell)

Blue Roof Orchard
Chris & Juli McGuire | 19638 Cottage Inn Road, Belmont, WI 53510
farmers@bluerooforchard.com | (608) 762-5335 (office) | (608) 726-2550 (cell)